Welcome to Ali-land

Finally figuring it out.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Ok. We all tell small white lies. But when you lie all the time or lie when it's convenient to your life but fucks with someone elses, well, you tend to get a reputation.

Believe me. If you lie to me once and I know or learn about it, (let me name one or two: Birthday party plans...sick relatives...) I will never ever trust a word you say to me again unless you come clean, we talk about it, etc etc etc.

Continue to lie to me and you've lost a great friend. I know I'm a good friend. I love the people that treat me well and I even give more of myself to those who probably didn't deserve a second chance. But, well, I'm tired of being used. I'm tired of being lied to. And EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT LYING THIS TIME I don't care because you've fucked me over too many times before.


(To the 99% of you that this doesn't affect, I LOVE YOU!)

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