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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kramer vs. Kramer a phenomenal FILM

When I was 5  years old, my parents had a VHS tape with 3 movies on it.  Airplane!, The Champ (with Ricky Schroeder and John Voight), and Kramer vs. Kramer.  I watched those movies in order, almost every single day.  For years. Back then, we were limited with what was on TV, (we didn't have cable), and we didn't have any "kids" movies.

I fell in love with these movies.  Each one is very close to my heart.

Wolter and I joke, often, that we have so many movies the other one needs to see, well, Kramer vs. Kramer has been on that list since I met him!  Finally, we watched it together.

Even at a young age I could tell that this film was, exactly THAT.  A film.  Not a "movie".  Not a "money-maker" with lots of "back-door deals" and "merchandise" but a true FILM.  Seeing it again, after all these years didn't change my youthful ideals one bit.

What was lovely, was getting to watch the "Making of Kramer vs. Kramer" which was a special feature on this DVD.  I learned so much about the inception of the script (from the book) and how passionate the filmmakers were.  The idea that telling the story, keeping the truth of the characters and the art of collaboration were part of a film with SOME budget was jaw-dropping and beautiful.  There is really nothing about this film that I could criticize from the casting down to the amazing shots.  It's not a wonder that they won so many Oscars.

Bravo, Kramer vs. Kramer.  I'm inspired and appreciative of this artistic endeavor and wish there were more films like yours.

See this film if you haven't had the chance.  

Peace and love.


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