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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Texting and trusting

It's sad to say but I know 2 relationships that ended because one of the parties felt it necessary to invade the other's privacy and read his text messages.

What boggles my mind is, if you plan to engage in this privacy-invading process, do yourself a favor and make sure you are really ready to see the truth. And then, take a step back and realize you may not know the WHOLE truth based on what you see...or think you see.

While there were other factors leading to the demise of both relationships, I'm absolutely certain there would be much less anger, hurt, betrayal, and all-around bad blood if the one hadn't spied on the other.

Let's do ourselves a favor and communicate a little better. Tell the truth a bit more. And stop being afraid of confrontation.

Most of all, end the need to hold a freakin' grudge people! It's toxic and, in the end, the person you are holding the grudge about will move on and become happy while you sit there pissed off and miserable. Do yourself a favor and find the peace, it will serve you much better in the end.

Enough soapbox for today.

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