Welcome to Ali-land

Finally figuring it out.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

It has come to my attention:

It has come to my attention that no matter how hard you try, you can't go through life without inadvertently hurting someone. I'm so sorry if my actions have hurt anyone. Please know (whether it matters or not) that my intentions were NEVER about hurting people. Especially people I care about.

It has come to my attention that people live in their perceptions and, often, no amount of persuading or coercing or pleading or begging or wrath or rage or anger or crying or sadness will ever budge them from their beliefs. While I've learned this, I also know I would never feel right with myself if I hadn't tried. I've tried.

It has come to my attention my Jewish upbringing and my abusive past cause me an inordinate amount of guilt for things I can't ever control. I find myself feeling responsible for things that are not my fault or that I couldn't change even if I wanted to. I'm wracked with guilt that I'm happy and others are struggling. I'm full of sadness and pain that they believe I've CAUSED them pain.

It has come to my attention that I can't make everyone happy. Some people are afraid to lose the sadness/anger they hold on to. It's all they know. Success is scary.

It has come to my attention that while I believe it is important to forgive to end the poison and pain others do not believe this is important. They prefer to distrust, dislike, hate, and hurt because they understand it. Trusting is hard.

It has come to my attention that people will blame you for things that aren't your fault because they are feeling sad, guilty, hurt, angry about their own actions and they do not want to face them.

It has come to my attention that I'm not like most people. I turn the anger and blame inward while most turn it outward. This is a difficult concept to wrap my mind around but I'm working on it.

It has come to my attention that I've punished myself enough. I've apologized enough. I've blamed myself enough. I've worried about others enough.

It has come to my attention that it's time for me to be okay with being happy or I'm never going to move on.

It has come to my attention that I am in love and have love all around me and I'm grateful for it.


Wolter said...

It has come to my attention that you are wonderful.

I'm glad you're starting to find a way through the guilt.

Anonymous said...

Many of these things have come to my attention as well, but daaaaamn it's so hard to learn how to live with them, isn't it?